Baptism photos

Baptism photos

Baptism photos are very special. They are the third most important pictures in the family album. It is the day when you have chosen one more mother and father for your child.


In the studio - starting from 58 €

In church - starting from 80 €

I am a very rich godmother myself - I have a daughter " tootsie" and four godsons and one of them already has a son.

How important this day is to you and how important are the photos depends on you. We offer a photographer both in church, and you are also welcome to come to our studio.

During the baptism photo session in the studio usually photos on different backgrounds are captured, but you should consider that the baby may already be tired after the church and our expectations may not match the baby's desire to smile in all pictures. There have been a lot of funny situations in the studio exactly during baptism photo sessions, for example, when a two years old received a rocking horse as a present, even in the car while driving to the studio, it was not possible to get him down ... and of course in the studio as well J.

In baptism photo session in the studio we have included photos for the baptised child alone, with parents, godparents and, of course, photos with the guests - up to 10 people. But you can always choose individual photos or additional photos.

In my photos the most important is and always will be the child, rather than the environment in which he was photographed or the accessories.

It should be mentioned that I am against mass picture posting on the Internet.

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